
Does Serverless Still Matter?

No. Short, simple, and direct. The answer to the question is that serverless at this point and time doesn’t matter. Now I’m not saying that it’s never mattered. But what I am saying is that it’s just a tool in a developer’s toolchain. It’s not some sweeping “movement” that it was and I firmly believe that this is all OK. I don’t see this as doom and gloom. It’s more about WOW, that happened, now what’s next. With that, let’s look at how we got here and where I think we go from here.


The Neighborhood Domain will Quickly Improve your Modeling Skills

Microservices are about domain decomposition. This decomposition allows code to be deployed that is more isolated, durable, resilient, and launched in a compute form factor designed for the requirements. In addition, the isolation allows for teams to move on their deployment schedules and cadences. These reasons are attractive, but they do come with domain complexity that often manifests itself as architectural complexity. And while I can’t remove the architectural complexity, I do want to offer an approach to domain modeling that will feel more familiar. Introducing the neighborhood domain.


3 Proven Patterns for Reporting with Serverless

Serverless architecture has given developers, architects, and business problem solvers new capabilities to deliver value to customers. It feels like we are in the age of maturation of serverless in so many ways. The boom of containers, the birth of functions, and now the options of even Zero-code serverless implementations (Step Functions). These are all great things from an application developer’s perspective. But what about reporting? There are so many signals emitted from these systems but has the reporting world kept up with the changes in architecture? And what are some strategies to take advantage of data in this current landscape? Let’s have a look at Reporting with Serverless.


4 Inspiring Tips to Think like a Consultant

I’m early on in this new venture as a full-time consultant but something that isn’t new for me is being someone people go to for help. Every time I speak to someone about this topic I tend to drive back to the same core concepts that I’ll talk about below. Being a consultant isn’t about rates, engagements, or hustling for business. Sure, it can be a career. But being a consultant is a mindset that can elevate your position and influence first in your team and then more broadly into your organization. Following along I give you 4 tips to think like a consultant.


Embrace that a Career isn’t always Measured by Climbing the Technology Ladder

What if I’ve been thinking about my career all wrong up until this point? How can that even be possible? I consider myself to be making the turn. Heading into the back nine of this adventure. Does that mean that I’ve wasted the first 9 holes of my technology career? These are heavy questions to explore but ones that I needed to address as I grabbed that metaphorical snack and made my way to the 10th tee. I realized this one important thing. My career isn’t defined by how high up the technology ladder I climb, but by the story I tell through the canvas I’m painting. I believe that this notion of climbing the technology ladder isn’t the only way to measure success.


People Matter more than Technology when Building Serverless Applications

I’ve been hitting the gas pretty hard on Rust lately and doubling down on my desire to see more Rust in Serverless. I feel strongly though that balance is important in anything in life. For every period of intense push, there needs to be time to pause and reflect. So for this article, I want to take a step back and hit some brake on my Rust content by looking at what’s really important when building Serverless applications.


Serverless and Agile

Agile and Serverless go together like peanut butter and jelly. Ham and eggs. Coffee and creamer. Tea and milk. Name your favorite combination that resonates best in your head. But the truth is this, Agile and Serverless are a great pair when it comes to delivering value quickly to your customers and sets a foundation for adapting to change. And isn’t that the point?


Becoming a Leader in Tech

I had several conversations at re:Invent that have got me thinking since I returned. No names or details will be given about those whom I spoke with, but I have been processing the how and why of one’s career arc. How does one go from individual contributor to say Director level or even one day become a CTO? Breaking down the trajectory I’ve come away with a couple of types of leaders. In this article how to become a leader in tech.


Gratitude. A look back at re:Invent

Gratitude. That’s the simple yet powerful word that comes to mind when I look back on re:Invent 2023. This article is an expression of my gratitude to those who made not only re:Invent something more for me this year, but have jolted my career in a way I didn’t know was possible.

This year started with a blast to my system. My father, who was my best friend in life passed away after a long bout with cancer. I was there for his last month and spent time with him while he was with us. I can’t say I enjoyed the time, but we took the time together talking, sharing and trying in general to do whatever I could to make things easier for him. Growing up watching my father run his own Geology Consulting Practice gives me a unique perspective now as a father. His schedule allowed plenty of flexibility to attend my golf matches, soccer games and occasional theatre productions which left a lasting impression on me. Those 20 or so days of my life have reshaped my trajectory forever.


Embracing Bad News as a Leader

Some find that handling bad news as a leader is tricky. Their first thoughts range from figuring out who to blame, how to hide the damage or even just how to make the problem go away. I like to look at it from a different perspective. I want to embrace bad news. Treat it as a learning experience for those involved. And ultimately use it as an opportunity to build trust.

Follow along as I give you a few tips on how to embrace bad news as a leader.